stephen foster biography

Stephen Collins was born in his father's home, "The White Cottage", at Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. This biography profiles his childhood, life, music career, achievements and timeline.

Stephen Collins Fosterwas born on 4 Jul 1826 in Lawrence Ville, Pittsburg. There is little information on this period of his life, although family correspondence has been preserved.Foster got sick with a fever in January 1864. The Life and Music of Stephen Collins Foster By Christopher Lynch .

His writing partner When Foster died, his leather wallet contained a scrap of paper that simply said, "Dear friends and gentle hearts", along with 38 cents (one for each year of his life) in Civil War scrip and three pennies.

Stephen Collins Foster (July 4, 1826 - January 13, 1864) was an American composer.

There are many biographies on Foster, but details can differ widely. Stephen Foster (b. July 4, 1826, Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania; d. January 13, 1864, New York) was one of the first American songwriters to earn a living through composition alone.

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Stephen Collins Foster, the ninth of William B. and Eliza T. Foster's ten children (plus a son fathered by William before the marriage and later raised as their oldest child), was born July 4, 1826, in a white cottage high on the hillside above the Allegheny River in Lawrenceville, east of Pittsburgh.

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Although formally untutored in music, he had a natural musical bent and began to write songs as a young boy. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Stephens Collins Foster was an American composer and songwriter, known mainly for his parlor and minstrel music.

Weakened, he fell in his hotel in the Bowery, cutting his neck. He was baptizedon April 22, 1827 in Trinity Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

He was the first American composer to be paid for his songs.

His parents were William Barclay Foster and Eliza Clayland Foster. He did not have formal instruction in composition but he was helped by Henry Kleber (1816–97), a German-born music dealer in Pittsburgh.Then he returned to Pennsylvania and signed a contract with the Christy Minstrels.

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They include “Camptown Races,” “Nelly Bly,” “My Old Kentucky Home,” “Massa’s in de Cold, Cold Ground,” “Old Dog Tray,” “Old Black Joe,” “Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair,” and “Beautiful Dreamer.”

He was born in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania, and developed musical talent early in his life, while still young beginning to compose in the style of Negro minstrel music of the day. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. It was during this period that he wrote most of his best-known songs: "Foster's last four years were spent in New York City. Stephen Collins Foster was born on July 4, 1826 to William Barclay Foster (September 7, 1779 - July 27, 1855) and Elisa Clayland [Tomlinson] Foster (January 1788 - January 1855). He joined the Allegheny Academy in 1840 but soon left it to enter the Athens Academy and later the Jefferson College in Washington.

He composed his first song when he was 14 and entitled it the "Tioga Waltz". Biography .

Stephen Foster was America's first professional songwriter of note. He absorbed musical influences from the popular, sentimental songs sung by his sisters; from black church services he attended with the family’s servant Olivia Pise; from popular minstrel show songs; and from songs sung by black labourers at the In 1842 he published his song “Open Thy Lattice, Love.” In 1846 he went to Although he stated that his ambition was to become “the best Ethiopian [In 1860, already struggling with sinking morale and alcoholism, he moved to New York City.

In addition, Foster wrote very little biographical information himself, and his brother Morrison Foster destroyed much of the information that he judged to reflect negatively upon the family. Stephen Foster is one of the most enduring figures in 19th century American music -- a status borne out by the fact that he and his music are still being discussed in the 21st century. He was born in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania which is now part of Pittsburgh.His parents were wealthy. The National Stephen Foster Day Celebration… Music publishers paid him for his music. He did not continue there also and left. Some of his original, hand-written scores were bought and put into private collections and the Foster's songs lyrics and melodies have often been altered by publishers and performers.Some modern interpretations of Foster's compositions consider them to be disparaging to One state park is named in honor of Foster's songs, (Lecture transcript at the American Music Center Research Conference)(Lecture transcript at the American Music Center Research Conference) His parents were of Ulster Scots and English descent. His father was the Mayor of Allegheny City, a suburb of Pittsburg. He spent the rest of his life in debt.He left about 200 songs, for most of which he wrote the words as well as the music.

The first song that he had published was "Open thy Lattice Love" (1844).Foster usually sent his handwritten scores directly to his publishers. He was the youngest of the Foster children, and was named for Stephen Collins, a child friend of the family who died at age 12, …

There are many biographies on Foster, but details can differ widely.

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