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Basketball Boys Varsity

Lowell went the rest of the day undefeated, winning the Redwing Invitational two years in  Varsity Volleyball won the EGR Invite going undefeated on the day. Varsity Round 2: 191.34 Ice Hockey Boys Varsity Central Catholic

Good work Emma and Taryn. You did it! I'm the Head Coach Send Contact Info. Swampscott The Lady Red Arrows defeated Ottawa Hills last night 46-37.

⚽️ Methuen LHS FALL ATHLETIC REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Basketball Boys Varsity Congratulations to Courtney Witten, a freshman bowler, who finished in the Top 30 (27th) at the MHSAA Division 2 State Bowling Finals. Bedford

Somerville Ending the season at districts at St John's on February 21st, the Arrows placed 9th with a... The Cards lost 40–12. Final score 47-46!” “JV Football edges De La Salle in a thriller.
LOWELL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - 8/7/20 Lowell High School Department of Athletics (FAQ - 8/7/20) Who will make the decision on athletics this fall?

Looking forward to… Please take the time to read this blog from Mark Uyl, the Executive Director of the MHSAA.

Ice Hockey Boys Varsity

Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Congratulations to Kaylee and Colton Byrne for their representation of the Lowell Red Arrows at the Division 2 State Ski Finals yesterday at Nubs Nob. 2024’s To Watch The MHSAA released Fall sports update today with specific guidelines for each sport & announced MHSAA high school f… Congratulations to the class of 2020!
Ice Hockey Boys Varsity Lowell was led in scoring by Molly Frederickson with 19 points while Kyleigh Rau chipped in 10.

Why are we starting hig… Nice write up on a couple of our freshmen. Lowell went the rest of the day undefeated, winning the Redwing Invitational two years in The varsity girls basketball finished their regular season with a 53-37 defeat at Jenison on Friday. Send in their name and contact information!

The team improves its record to 30-2 Varsity Volleyball Wins Lakeshore Classic for 2nd year in a row. Lowell Bowlers Compete at MHSAA Division 2 State FinalsThe official website of Lowell High Arrows AthleticsGet immediate, official calendar changes for Lowell High School via: Ice Hockey Boys Varsity Lowell Football Schedule Mascot Red Arrows Team Varsity 2020 Colors Red, White Coach N/A Address 11700 Vergennes St, Lowell, MI 49331 Overall 0-0 League 0-0. A great experience in her first year of bowling for the Red Arrow... We wouldn’t change anything about our approach. Kaylee took the podium with 3rd place in GS...

John J. Watkins, The Times Ice Hockey Boys Varsity Cambridge Rindge & Latin The girls wrap up the regular season on Frid... Crown Point at Lowell football opener Guarded by Lowell's Cody Caschetta, Crown Point's Felix Meeks III pulls in a pass near the goal line. In pool play at St. Johns, Lowell Volleyball picked up wins against Laingsburg 2-0(25-10, 25-8), Charlotte 2-0(25-17, 25-12), and East Lansing 2-0(25-13, 25-7). There was a desire to establish permanency and tradition to Lowell's identification. Varsity Round 1: 207.2 A committee was formed to present its choice to the student body, and the committee recommended that Red Devils be adopted.

Varsity Round 3: 267.9 I cant believe it is this time of year! Congratulations to Kaylee and Colton Byrne for their representation of the Lowell Red Arrows at the Division 2 State Ski Finals yesterday at Nubs Nob. Basketball Girls Freshman Help Get this Team Started on MaxPreps. Triton Regional Ice Hockey Boys Varsity During the 1946-47 school year, football coach Carrol Burch approached a group of students with the task of adopting an official mascot. The Championship match was won over Schoolcraft 20-0 (25-12, 25-14) who is the #1 ranked team in Division 3. Wrestling Claims 11th Straight OK White Championship In pool play at St. Johns, Lowell Volleyball picked up wins against Laingsburg 2-0(25-10, 25-8), Charlotte 2-0(25-17, 25-12), and East Lansing 2-0(25-13, 25-7).

Congratulations to Collin Clark who placed in the Top 8 in the state in MHSAA Division 2 Bowling State Finals. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Lowell Volleyball wins St. Johns Invite . Overall: 666.44

Photo by Susan WongThe Lowell Cardinals went head to head with the Mission Bears at Kezar Stadium on Nov. 2.

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